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In Words: The Cursed

- Dan Lorenzo - Mar. 2009 - Claudia Ehrhardt -

The Cursed band
© The Cursed

Dan Lorenzo - March 10th 2009 (by email)

Hades mainman Dan Lorenzo just released a DVD called Bootlegged In Boston 1988, but beside some solo stuff the last time we heard from him was with The Cursed... Let's see what Dan is up to these days!

The Cursed... How long were you and Bobby 'Blitz' talking about doing an album together until you finally make it happen?

We flirted with the idea for a few months, maybe longer, but once it became serious we went right into writing. First we made a 4 song demo with Jimmy Schulman on bass and Ron on drums. Then we started jamming with Mike Cristi on drums and Job The Raver on bass. Blitz and I kept writing while we were looking for a record deal.

I know that many expected a thrash album or a combination of Overkill and Hades.. But the album was quite different and so some were disappointed... But I like the album... Any chance that you do another album together?

I don't understand people! Blitz already has a thrash band called Overkill. Why would he need another? Crazy. I fucking LOVE Room Full Of Sinners, I'm glad you do too. For anybody who didn''re insane. Listen to it again. It is timeless classic rock.

You did some solo albums and I guess there is more to come... Can you enlighten us?

Yeah, I did 3 solo CDs in 13 months. It was fun to get a bunch of ideas out of my head. I love 90% of it. I used my own money so they were rush jobs. I'm looking for somebody to release a Best Of the 3.

How did Screaming Metal came to life? And will it really be a one-off-show you did at Dingbatz?

My wife and I love the TV show Talking Metal so I emailed the guys and we became friendly. I thought we would just jam once, but they kept saying, "Let's jam again!". Before you knew it we had a show. It was so much fun I would like to do it again... But now it's getting warmer so I play basketball outside.

You said several times that touring is getting boring for you after a few days, coz it's so repetitive... But somehow it seems you can't give up music completely, so jamming or a cover show like Screaming Metal one, is what you like. Are you somehow looking for a way to escape the repetitiveness of rehearsals and touring, but to play live?

Yes, I still despise repetition! I love writing then jamming a couple times, then recording everything in one take. I don't have it in me to play the same songs in the same order night after night.

Any other stuff you work on? Or have you kinda retired?

I sell advertising for a weekly magazine in NJ/NYC. My wife and I love to travel. There are tons of photos on plus my MySpace page. I still play guitar a bit. There is just so much more to life than music. I can go days or weeks listening to nothing, but sports radio or news in the car. There is very little music I love.

As a kid you wanted to become a baseball player, these days you enjoy playing basketball... How important is sport for you these days? And can you imagine to start to switch from music to sports?

I was sort of a natural at football and baseball. I've been playing basketball for 12 years and I'm STILL not average! But I can run up and down the court for hours without getting tired, so I guess I'm in good shape for a 46 year old man!

You said that later in your life you want to move with your wife to Italy, at least I read that somewhere... Why Italy? And any idea when you will move?

Never. It's not realistic. South Beach Florida is only a 2 hour flight from my family. My wife and I both still love Europe.

Last, but not least... What's on your schedule for the next months?

Work, play basketball then leave for South Beach and Key West again. We can't get enough of it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE INTERVIEW!! Dan

Hope that there will be another The Cursed album and perhaps we hear more from Dan.... He's doing it his own way, so I think you'll never know when you'll hear again some music from him. At least he's true to himself!

Claudia Ehrhardt


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