The Brazilian band Torture Squad just toured with Overkill and Exodus - and made new friends. After the Killfest Tour they stayed in Europe to tour on their own through the clubs, tonight they stopped in Dortmund and hooked up with German melodic death metal band Bloodwork.
The Sao Paulo boys stuck in the traffic and arrived late, so there was a delay and Bloodwork entered the stage at 9 PM. The fivesome just released their debut The Final End Principle via Dockyard 1 and already played a couple of shows with Hatesphere. They kicked off with The Enemy Within - and singer David asked the fans to come closer to the stage. From the beginning they delivered a powerful performance and they headed into A Cycle Once Broken which has a catchy clean vocal part by guitarist Nikko. After Hellbound, Camp X-Ray and Graveheart they presented a new song, but I haven't got the title of this one. Guitarist Robert and bassist Frank were always in motion while guitarist Nikko had to stay near his micro. After Deadline they offered another new tune called Cold, a fast aggressive tune with some neo-classical guitar parts. Very cool. Next in line Silent Resolution. Before they kicked this one off David encouraged the fans to sing along and gave them the line they should do. And even if not that many fans come out to this show a few joined in. Last, but not least they played Insufficient. Time to leave the stage - and a few moments later David and Robert showed up at the merchandise.
After a short change over Torture Squad entered the stage and started full force. The band from São Paulo was out to promote their European debut Hellbound, but they are around for almost 20 years and have 4 more studio albums and a live album under their belt. Drummer Amílcar is the driving force and builds with bassist Castor the rhythmic playground for guitarist Augusto. Singer Vitor soon had gathered the fans in front of the stage and with his deep growls he added some aggression to the technical thrash metal. Vitor greeted the audience in German - and that got them even more sympathy by the fans. I still haven't had the chance to listen to their album, but I think they played the songs they did at Killfest... The Beast Within, Cyberwar, Chaos Corporation and Living For The Kill. I think there was also some older ones... Actually it doesn't matter what they played, coz the they delivered some aggressive neckbreakers and its pure fun to see them on stage. Unfortunately I had to catch my last train and due to the late show, I had to leave after 2/3 of their set. I promise to get their album soon and next time I will be able to give you more details. But I can just recommend to go and see them live, even if you don't know their songs! If you like thrash'n'death played on a technically high level, then this band is a real treat for you!