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On disc: Finnr's Cane

Wanderlust - Claudia Ehrhardt - 7 stars


(Prophecy Productions - 2011)

The Canadian trio Finnr's Cane is wandering through sonic landscapes on Wanderlust. It's unusual due to the absence of a bass, but instead of a bass guitar The Slave plays cello.

Slowly guitar leads you into The Healer, an atmospheric tune and towards the end they speed up a bit and then the song comes to an abrupt end. The following Snowfall shows their black metal roots and even has some vocal parts. At Snowfall they remind me a bit of Alcest... Again the song abruptly ends. With every song they get a bit heavier... rawer. At A Winter For Shut-Ins they keyboard gets more prominent for a moment, it's like a ray of sunlight reaching through some thick wood. Time to calm down a bit, before The Lost Traveller gets into another sonic storm. At this one the vocals are almost drown in the guitar riffs, but they still have a soothing effect. At Glassice the cello is more prominent and gives the song a dark, melancholy atmosphere. In my opinion they should have used the cello a bit more often or more up front, coz it adds something unique. They take you on a sonic roller coaster ride with The Hope For Spring, you get slow passages with clean vocals next to wild riffs which come over you like a thunder storm. The other two tracks aren't much different, even if the closer House Of Memory is a bit more aggressive. Anyway, fans for atmospheric black metal / post black metal should check out Finnr's Cane!

7 stars

Claudia Ehrhardt


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