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On stage: Die toten Hosen

- Die Toten Hosen & The Adicts - May 2009 - Esch / Alzette (L) -

- Die Toten Hosen & The Adicts -
- May 19th - Esch-Alzette (Lux), Rockhal -

After touring Argentina, Brasil and Russia Die toten Hosen came back for a second leg of their Machmallauter tour 2008 / 2009 to Europe.
Travelling to the Rockhal in Esch-Alzette is mostly great fun. After following the Signs 'P+R Rochkal' we stood on a lonely parking lot somewhere in the wilderness of an big, empty industrial area. After waiting futile for an bus to come, we decided to search the right way on our own. And we really did find a way out of this industrial area to the centre of the city, were an great parking lot an black-dressed people showed, that we had to be right. So we parked there and went over the street to the bus station, were a bus picked us up and carried us for about 15 minutes straight to the whole city, another industrial area, throughout an old iron and steel works and finally directly to the Rockhal. So we waited at the entry at 7 PM. I thought that admission was on 6:30 PM. And it was! I stepped into the hall at 8:30 PM, The Adicts were playing and the sold out Rockhal was almost packed.
The Adicts, it was their last show on the tour, did a funny sort of British punk rock. I didn't knew this band before, but they seemed to be not as unknown as I thought... They were quite odd, 'cause the threw about 10 great air-filled water polos into the crowed. And every song, the spew confetti into the crowd. But the music wasn't bad at all.
After a conversion break Die toten Hosen entered the stage with the song Strom from their new album In aller Stille. The crowd was excited. After playing highlights as Auswärtsspiel, Bonnie & Clyde, Liebeslied and the incredible Hier kommt Alex, the ended the concert after playing 31 songs and nearly 2 ½ hours. The show was great ad the band even greater.
If you want, you can download this concert (and every single concert of this tour) at

Set list:
Du lebst nur einmal
All die ganzen Jahre
Innen alles neu
Madelaine aus Lüdenscheid
Alles was war
Cocaine in my brain
Wünsch dir was
Teil von mir
Bonnie & Clyde
Alles aus Liebe
Nur zu Besuch
Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist
Pushed again
Hier kommt Alex
Alles wird vorübergehn
Hand in Hand
Eisgekühlter Bommerlunder
La Bamba
Schönen Gruß, auf wiedersehen
10 kleine Jägermeister
You'll never walk alone

Philip Thelen


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