DoomSword, the quintessence of epic metal made in Italy are back with this new chapter after four years from My Name Will Live On, with a line up of four elements (from their debut album in 1999 they don't have four elements). This new The Eternal Battle give us once again another perfect mixture of Manilla Road, Omen and Medieval Steel, but with an important new element, the maturity and the knowledge of Deathmaster and his pals about an immediate approach of their music. The Eternal Battle sounds more direct, immediate and sooooo epic, DoomSword finally find the right way to play their perfect symmetry with cool lyrics about battles and gods mixed in their 'new' simple way of epicity!!!! In some ways this could be considered their best album or their more 'commercial' album, but how can we consider this 'commercial'? In my opinion they finally open better their eyes, find new simple ways to change and to evolve their sound....
Varusschlacht is the song chosen for beginning of The Eternal Battle, is a perfect example of what I wrote up here, the title track The Eternal Battle is another perfect song in perfect epic style!! Wrath Of The Gods is a declaration of war, a song that seems to come out from the best albums of acclaimed bands. Soldier Of Fortune offers to us one the best chorus of DoomSword, Battle At The End Of Time is another high pitch of this CD. It seems that the quality is the best thing in this album.... Anyway, let's go on with The Fulminant, another neck breaking song, another bull's eye for Deathmaster (voice), Sacred Heart (guitars), WrathLord (drums) and Nidhoggr (bass). Song Of The Black Sword will lead us into the Tolkien and Moorcok worlds with his atmospheres, The Time Has Come.... is an intro for Warlife, the perfect way to close this incredible album, the definitive consecration of DoomSword, the step from a cult band to a great band!!! In conclusion a buy-or-die album!!!!