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On disc: DivineFire

Eye Of The Storm - Lars Bjørn - 8 stars

Eye Of The Storm

Eye Of The Storm
(Liljegren Records - 2011)

This band is a little unordinary, the 3 members, Christian Liljegren and German Pascual both on vocals, and the man to do everything else is Finnish producer Jani Stefanovic handling drums, guitars and bass. When they are in concerts they get guest musicians to fill in the gaps, with one exception: Liljegren plays violins, exactly as he do on the beautiful Close To The Fire, a song in the fine epical style that lays as a background for the entire album. DivineFire are true to their Christian themes, and when you see their cover it symbolizes an eye inside the door to a divine temple, and if you dare to look inside you will be captured at once. It's the 5th time for them to make an album, and it seems that they have healed the wounds after a slight brawl with the configuration of the musical line, now Stefanovic has taken charge both as producer and doing all instruments, then he can be sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Liljegren and Pascual work well together on the vocal performances shifting the singing parts, sometimes singing in unison and on the song Never Surrender they spearheads the soft choir to benefit the great epical like song. First of we have Time For Salvation to give the onslaught of big harmonic power metal polished with melodic strokes to create the feeling of being inside that temple illustrated on the album cover. Other solid strong songs are Bright Morning Star with keyboard giving fine balance of the whole album. To Love And Forgive combines roaring guitars with flute in a fairytale like story that is among the best metal songs of this CD. The more strong aspects of their Christian style you get in the songs Even At My Lowest Point and also Masters, these two have heavy metal with epic spices that makes you listen more intensively to them. I feel that they have been given a new start, and the decision to let Stefanovic be in charge seem to be very successful for the musical results.

8 stars

Lars Bjørn


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