Dies Irae is a band who have taken a long break after their record in 2002. Dah and Fernz joined together in a new group called The Ill Over Death, but then in 2009 Dies Irae was a reality again since Dah and Fernz wanted to reignite their old band. And now they comes with new material given out by Chaos Records, and their songs is named after what place they have on the CD. 1=Want, 2=To, 3=Tree etc. But the musical content of their new songs is of a very poor quality, very simple music without any uplifting moments, no substance. There is some strange guitar noises and brutal vocals, but not so much more in the 10 songs, the last song ending the misery is Then, a few seconds where they just pronounce the word Then, you can hardly call it a song or music in any way. Boring and unstructured, but good if you want something to make you sleep.