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On disc: Denouncement Pyre

World Cremation - Mike Thompson - 7 stars
Almighty Arcanum - Lars Bjørn - 6 stars

Almighty Arcanum

Almighty Arcanum
(Hells Headbangers Records - 2012)

After some time of doing demos and small EPs there is finally a full-length album to hit the record stores from Denouncement Pyre, it's been a long time since their first album World Cremation, so a good decision to make this release. Their new album is called Almighty Arcanum where they sweeps the floor with some old-school death metal, and makes a good recommendation for Australian death metal. An Extension Of The Void speeds up the metal with a wild and controlled death metal onslaught with a great attitude. Almighty Arcanum is fast head banging death metal with especially fantastic work from the drum set. He Who Conquers All is slow, elegant and yet powerful true death metal, in my view the best song on the album. Circle Of Serpents goes for a total bombastic sound, clearing everything away to make a path for Denouncement Pyre and their way back to dominate the Australian death metal music.

6 stars

Lars Bjørn


World Cremation

World Cremation
(Hells Headbangers Records - 2010)

Denouncement Pyre is a blackened death metal duo from Australia. They have released a string of EPs, demos and compilations in their seven year history, but World Cremation is the band's first full-length.
They play pretty straightforward blackened death metal. If you've heard a decent blackened death album before then you're know exactly what to expect from this album, but World Cremation is actually a good album in this style.
Taking the lead from bands such as fellow Aussies Deströyer 666, Dissection, Watain, Behemoth and even the likes of Poland's sadly defunct Thunderbolt, Denouncement Pyre have crafted a very solid album full of head-crushing, neck-snapping riffs, thunderous drumming and sick vocals. The guitars have a nice, deep, heavy crunch and once they kick in after a brief synth intro you know you're in for a full 36 minute sonic assault! Unfortunately its nothing particularly new or memorable but its a damn good listen while its on!
Genre fans will love this album. Its not going to convert the detractors but if you fancy picking up a solid blackened death metal album then you could do a lot worse than Denouncement Pyre's World Cremation.

7 stars

Mike Thompson


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