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On disc: Dark Sky

Initium - Lars Bjørn - 6 stars


(Pure Legend Records - 2012)

Dark Sky was first seen in 1982, but in 1992 they took a break as a band and it took time for them to find back again and once again work together for their music. That is part of the explanation to why they have just released 4 albums since 1982, but now comes the 5th CD from their hands, and to no surprise it is standard hard rock which set the score for the Germans. I don't know why they call the album Initium, because that song is their intro, and it's very short and meaningless, so that is a mystery to name the album after that song. Also another so called song of only a few seconds is present, Interludium, that is something to spoil the spirit of an album with something totally irrelevant. Their main asset is singer Frank Brauninger, a man who sings with a voice which is hard to tell if it is male or female, but fair enough he does his job. Several of the songs has religious aspects, Food For A Million, Last Supper, Gethsemane, Judas, but other songs are standard hard rock songs, so again something to be confused about. Pop, metal and rock are represented on the album, but only one song has a bit of character, You're Alive, a melodic pop metal song that has the right energy, otherwise this 5th album from Dark Sky is rather anonymous to the fans.

6 stars

Lars Bjørn


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