Five years ago Danny Danzi released his first solo album, now he is back with a band. Again he not just plays guitar, he's also singing. Perhaps that's the weakest point of the album... The songs are great melodic rock songs with Eddie van Halen / Steve Vai influenced guitar play. Usually good guitarists tend to put the guitar play first and not the song, Danzi didn't made this mistake. A good idea about the musical world of Danny Danzi you get when you listen to the up-tempo tune Wild And Dangerous. More AOR is the catchy All Or Nothing, or check out Eternity and the obligatory ballad is Time Passes By. These songs show the variety of Danziland.
A decent album which could have been much better with a singer like Joe Lynn Turner, Gary Barden or Gary Cherone. These days more and more AOR and hard rock albums been released, so I'm not sure, if this is enough to make it...