Everybody who loves AOR and hard rock should know Terry Brock, perhaps from his days with Strangeways or from Giant's Promise Land album. Or from some other stuff he added his voice to. Now Mr. Brock teamed up again with Mike Slamer for his solo album. Drummer Andy Bigan was hired to do the drums.
The album opens up with the title track, Diamond Blue, guitar-based rocker with a catchy hook. Terry Brock and Mike Slamer both play guitar on this album and the opener gives you a good impression about what to expect from the partners in crime. Songs like It's You offering heavy guitar riffs and soaring melodies, that's what melodic rock fans are looking for. A touch up-tempo rocker with expressive vocals is Jessie's Gone. Great guitar play. Brilliant song. With No More Mr. Nice Guy it gets even heavier, but if you think of the Alice Cooper song, then you will be disappointed. But you'll get a melodic rock gem!
After some rockers it's time for a balladesque tune and so Terry Brock presents the piano-based The Rain. Actually you can pick any two songs to win you over!
Fans of Strangeways, Seventh Key, Giant and any other high class hard rock / AOR band should give Terry Brock's new album a chance! Check out: Broken, Jessie's Gone, Why and Soldier Falls.