Brand New Sin is a band that mostly make albums, they are not that active about concerts, but they are here now with their 5th album in 9 years, this time with the original title United State. The quartet have just signed a deal with Goomba Music to release their album United State, and this is working fine. They shift a little between country inspired rock and more traditional rock'n'roll and the way they perform it is a blessing for the ears. 16 songs this time, Elbow Grease has some grunge element hidden in the basic rhythms, soft and slow but with a lot of personality. And boogie-country rock is also here as we get the funny song The Lord Came Down, here the smiles and good humor lurks in the background. All My Wheels have plain rock sound quality where you feel how experienced they are. Bed Of Nails gives the listener a kick with real speedy rock'n'roll, and then there is a lot of good and varied county leaden rock songs so it is not wrong to label them as a country rock band, even though they have been doing concerts with Motörhead and other harder names. The punch line is their version of the old hit from AC/DC, What You Do For Money Honey, and in more relaxed handling from Brand New Sin, not the same energy that AC/DC put into it, but Brand New Sin stay true to the context of the song, but still give it their own finishing, and the result is very succeeded.