After having released 7 albums in the genre of black metal and avantgarde metal the band Blut aus Nord hands out a trilogy with very varying quality. Vindsval is the composer of the songs, where 777 Sects came first, now we get 777 The Desanctification, and in 2012 the final work comes in the name of 777 Cosmosophy. On the album is 7 songs named Epitome VII to Epitome XIII, and from beginning to end is a challenge to stay awake while listening to the songs. The vocal content is almost not excisting, only some growls and spoken passages here and there, and musically the rhythm is staccato and slow, and often with a fuzz of flies buzzing around. Black and doom metal replaces each other but it never gets interesting, even when Vindsval tries to put some Indian inspired sounds to the music. This album can not appeal to so many fans because the tempo is too slow and without the magic to catch the listener. A trilogy in one year, but a pain to listen to.