I'm a little surprised by the new album of Blowsight, coz compared to their previous releases the Swedish sound less wild. I miss the raw energy they had and they didn't manage to improve their songwriting, even if the biography states they improved their songwriting skills. Most songs sound too polished, one of the few songs which can score is Dystopia Lane with it's fat bass riffs. Blowsight call their sound PopMetalPunk, but in my opinion it's more pop then anything else. Here and there some metal structures are audible, but it isn't enough to give it naturalness. The cover of Lady Gaga's smash hit Poker Face is done well, beside that their mix of soft metal pop and ballads isn't really entertaining. In my opinion the Swedish outfit made a mistake by changing their sound, it won't bring them success. Perhaps I'm wrong... Time will tell, but a rock album with such a polished sound won't be appreciated by rock and metal fans. Anyway, you should check them out on your own.