Beyond is a hardworking upcoming band from Mainz, Germany. They are trying to make new trends happen to the death metal scene, and after an EP in 2011, Enter Transcendence, the band is releasing their debut full length album. Mixed material is what they offer on the new album Fatal Power Of Death, generally with good fresh ideas in a combination with more traditional death metal songs. Whirlwinds is a song that sounds as a kind of machine death metal, but with lots of fresh new input so it does not get boring. Fatal Power Of Death is the song where they try different methods of tempo to mix the death metal with mysterious groovy metal and with a good result. Definite Decease gives the listener a chance to enjoy slow death metal with a good flow to bring vitality into the song. Consuming Black Void is the last song on their album, forward spitting hard death metal with the mysterious aura they like to use in the songwriting. An interesting album that could gather lots of fans for them.